
How to get to Nuuksio (Noux) via public transport?

Nuuksio is a large Nature Park just outside Helsinki. Quite often people ask me where to get off from bus etc. So here are instructions on how to get to Nuuksio by using public transport.

First: where is Nuuksio?

Here is a map of the area. Nuuksio is located in the Helsinki region, about 25 kilometers from Helsinki. Nuuksio is actually in three municipalities: Espoo, Kirkkonummi and Vihti.

Hint: use Journey planner, a guide to public transport in the Helsinki-region.  Also english version is available.

Nuuksio is big. It has 53 km2 (20 sq mi). And there are actually other parks linked to it, and also private owned forests that you can hike aswell. So it is a large area and there are many entries to the it. I'll present the major ones.

Hints: how to get into Espoo

Most common step in reaching Nuuksio via public transport is to get into Espoon keskus (the Centre of Espoo). This is not hard, more than 10 busses and commuter trains get you there.

If you came from Helsinki:

  • Busses 213 and 235. 
  • If you take first the metro, then go to Matinkylä. From there it takes about 20 minutes to get to Espoo by using routes 134 and 136 that start from Matinkylä busterminal. Also 531 goes from Matinkylä to Espoo, but it doesn't start from the terminal. 
  • Trains: Y, X, U, L and E. It takes +/- 23 minutes from Helsinki, depending on which train are you using.

Another possibility is to go to Leppävaara. Line 238 starts to Nuuksio from Leppävaara. To there it even easier to get

  • About 20-30 buslines from alla ove the Helsinki region.
  • Same trains: Y, X, U, L and E and also A.

Tickets and areas in Public Transport

There are four ticket-regions in Helsinki area: A, B, C and D. You have to buy ticket for two regions (except for D). Nuuksio is on the top-left -corner of picture. Buslines to Nuuksio go into region C.

So: If you come from the center of Helsinki, you'll have to buy ABC-ticket. If you're for example already on area B, BC-ticket is enough.

Tickets are valid fo 80 minutes.  And if the tickets are valid when you enter the bus, you can stay on it for the whole trip.

Gateways to Nuuksio

In my perspective there are six gateways to Nuuksio that are easy to reach by bus. I'l go through this one by one.

Gateway to Nuuksio number 1: Haltia (A)

Haltia  (Finnish Nature Centre) has exhibition, cafe and restaurant, and from a restaurant nice view over the lake Nuuksion Pitkäjärvi. There are also short routes starting from there. This is a good place if you have only few hours and/or you want to eat. Plus Haltia has nice exhibitions and great architechture.

There is also 2 kilometers long path Maahisenkierros (Gnomesroute) made so that it's achievable with wheelchairs. Here you'll find my presentation of it (in finnish). Suitable for wheelchairs and children. And there are nice views:

How to get to Haltia?

  • Go into Espoo.
  • Take a bus 245 of 245A. Stay on it for about 20-25 minutes. When you see a big parking area on the right side of the road, push the button and get out.
  • To left of you there is Haltia, to right there is a hill from where the routes start.
  • Address in Nuuksiontie 84.

Bonus: There is a new only 200 meters long route designed for small children. 

Gateway to Nuuksio number 2: Haukkalampi (B)

From Haukkalampi the main hiking trails to Nuuksio start from. Haukkalampi is also the place which people usually talk about when they are going to Nuuksio.
How to get into Haukkalampi? 
  • Go into Espoo.
  • Take a bus 245 or 245A. Stay on it for about 25-30 minutes. After passing Haltia (big parking spaces plus new Scandinavian-style building) it's the  3rd stop.
  • After getting out, cross the road and start walking about 1.5 kilometers via Haukkalammentie (Haukkalampi road). You'lll reach a small "village" with info-center etc. From Haukkalampi there are many well-marked routes that you can choose from.  They start from 2 kilometers up to about 10 kilometers. There is some info about those here.
  • The address is Haukkalammentie 32.

Bonus: You can fill your water bottles in Haukkalampi (not in winter). There is also small kiosk open on summertime on the info-center. 

Gateway to Nuuksio number 3: Kattila (C)

Kattila is the most north gateway to Nuuksio. There is actually a small mansion in there. Services are "on demand" and for groups (more in here), but you can also start hiking from here.
How to get into Kattila? 
  • Go into Espoo.
  • Take a bus 245A (245 doesn't go so far). Stay on it until the end stop.
  • The address is Kattilantie 426.

Gateway to Nuuksio number 4: Siikajärvi (D)

The fourth gateway to Nuuksio is on the western side of Lake Nuuksion Pitkäjärvi.  From Siikäjärvi you can get into hiking routes going towards the north. Actually, Haukkalampi (entry B on this blog)  is only less than 3 kilometers up north, so it's possible to start from here and hike into there, or other the way around.

How to get into Siikajärvi? 
  • Go to Leppävaara.
  • Take bus 238 or 238K Those will go directly to Siikajärvi.
  • Also, other bus lines starting with 238 get you nearby.
  • Hint: You can change into this bus about 2 kilometers north of Espoo, if you go there with another bus lines. So this route is reachable also via Espoo Centrum. But getting along from Leppävaara is easier.

Gateway to Nuuksio number 5: Siikaranta (E)

On the southern side of Nuuksio there is a Hotel Nuuksio. It has web pages also in english.  From here you can get into hiking routes going towards the north. Actually, Haukkalampi (B)  is only some 4 kilometers up north, so it's possible to start from here and hike into there, or the other way around. Gateway number 5 is therefore quite near gateway 4.

How to get into Siikaranta? 
  • Go into Leppävaara.
  • Take bus 238KT or 238T It goes directly into the Siikaranta.
  • Also, other bus lines 238 are about ok, but you have to get out six stop before the last stop (Naruportti, code E6901) an walk about 1,5 kilometers to get to the hotel.

Gateway to Nuuksio number 6: Luukki, Vaakkoi or Salmi  (E)

With E I mean all the entry points via Vihdintie. There are outdoor-areas run by the city of Helsinki: Luukki, Vaakkoi, and Salmi. There is a long way to hike from all of those to Nuuksio National Park, but those areas are also beautiful. Actually, people quite often talk about these areas like they'd be part of official Nuuksio nature park.   
  • Luukki: address is Luukintie 33
  • Vaakkoi: address is Saarijärventie 1.
  • Salmi: address is Salmentie 75.
  • Regional bus line 345 will take you to Luukki and near Vaakkoi. If you want to get to Salmi, you have to check long distance buses. Salmi is in Vihti, a municipality which is outside the Helsinki Region Transports operating area.  


Nuuksio is a beautiful place, and very near Helsinki. It's worth visiting. But my main hint is, that think before where you want to go before jumping into a bus. There are plenty of places to start your visit.


Rent a traditional finnish cottage in Nuuksio

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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